Software Engineer Interview Experiences

Vipul Krishna Mathuria
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

Nokia, Indus Valley Partners, Mahindra-Comviva, LTI, CGI, Delhivery, Motorola Mobility, Belzabar Design, Info-edge, India-Gold

  1. Nokia:

1.1 Technical Interview experience questions (friends)

Implementation of link list
Insert in end & beginning, Deletion at the start and at end
Largest palindrome substring
Oops Concepts
BST add new node function implementation
Find Loop in linked list
Sieve of Eratosthenes

1.2 Nokia First Technical Interview Questions( ME)

commands for FTP connect, upload, download

1. search in the unsorted array
2. count the frequency of char in a string

1. work-time
2. ratio-age

computer networking:
1. OSI and TCP/IP model
2. explain each layer of OSI
3. Hub, switch, and router difference
4. TCP vs UDP

2 Indus Valley Partner

2.1. Technical Interview-1: 45 Minute
polymorphism, runtime & compile time both
virtual function,
virtual class,

detect a loop in the linked list and why did you use “two pointers”?
generate all permutation of strings

3 Mahindra Comviva:

3.1 Technical Interview-1: 30 Minute
Most questions on the project, Database used, POJO Classes, JSON,
real-world application of stack data structure
difference between array and linked list,
compare these two in memory and speed

3.2 HR: 30 Minute
Hobby(apart from computers),
where do yourself in 5 years,
volunteering work

4 LTI:
4.1 Technical Interview: 30 Minute
reverse the string
capital the chars that are in small in string

4.2 HR: 10 Minute
Talk about new emerging technology

5 CGI:
5.1 Technical Interview: 45 Minute
Introduction, Skillset, Internship work
What challenges did you encounter in the project and how did you overcome them?
Explain the workflow of a project listed in your resume
How do we push changes in the library to maven central
Write the logic of a data structure problem that you recently encountered.

5.2 HR: 20 Minute
Introduction, personal brand, or goal
Explain your project
Strength and hobbies

6. Delhivery:
6. Technical Interview: 1 Hour
2-liner brief of the project and tech stack used in the project
Diagonal Traversal of the Binary Tree
First maximum and Second maximum in SQL with and without utility function
Virtual Functions
Virtual classes and interface

7. Motorola Mobility
7.1 Technical Interview-1st: 1 Hour
Sort the stack such a way where a higher value is at the bottom
How to invert all the bits of binary string ( with and without bitwise operator)?
Explain one of your projects.

7.2 Technical Interview-2nd: 1:15 Hour

Different categories of Data structures & Explain the difference?
Difference between arrays and Linked List?
What is a Binary Tree?
What is the height of a Binary tree?
Reverse the doubly linked list
Serialization, Deserialization & Factory Classes, how did you parse JSON (questions from projects)

8. Belzabar Design:
8.1 Technical Interview, Duration: 2 Hours

Constructor & Copy constructor (Working, Difference)
What do we require of Spring boot Framework?
what do Annotations do in spring boot?
Implementation in Reference in java
Pass by value and Pass by Reference in java
Sort N sorted linked List
Implement Queue and Related methods and Exceptions for a Queue library
4 Concepts of OOPs, Explain All of Them with example.
Example of Run Time Polymorphism

9. Info-Edge:
Technical Interview: Duration: 10 Minute
which sorting algorithm is best?
How many minimum queues do we have to use to implement a priority queue?
Can we apply binary search on a sorted linked list?

10. IndiaGold
Technical Interview, Duration: 1 Hour
What is an immutable object?
Are final variables are immutable objects?
differences between static and final in Java?
lazy initialization?
Example of singleton pattern and Factory Pattern?
Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer?
Is it necessary to assign values to static variables at the time of definition?
How does hashmap works in general and How it works when keys have different fields?
equals() method in java?
Difference between primitive data type and wrapper objects?



Vipul Krishna Mathuria

I am a final year Undergraduate of Computer Science B- Tech in NIT Jalandhar. Softwares fascinated me from my early adulthood.